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Code of Ethics

All Practitioners are asked to sign a code of ethics as part of their commitment to the highest professional standards, practitioners undertake to:

  1. Conduct themselves at all times in accord with their professional status and in such a way as neither undermines public confidence in their profession, nor brings it into disrepute, being aware of professional and personal boundaries.

  2. Maintain strict confidentiality within the client/coach/consultant relationship, always provided that such confidentiality is neither inconsistent with the coach's/consultant's own safety or the safety of the client, the client’s family members or other members of the public.

  3. Ensure that client notes and records be kept secure and confidential and that the use of computer records conforms with the terms of the Data Protection Act

  4. Ensure that all advertising, no matter in what form or medium it is placed, represents a truthful, honest and accurate picture of themselves, their skill-base, qualifications and facilities and that any claims for the successful outcome of treatments (in whatever format) shall be based upon verifiable, fully documented evidence.

  5. Ensure that all advertising shall comply with the Code of Advertising standards for their relevant country. NO coach/consultant from any country may suggest or claim that they can or have cured cancer or suggest any intervention that has no scientific evidence.

  6. Display only valid qualifications and certificates issued in respect of relevant training courses and events or certificates of registration, validation or accreditation as issued or awarded by relevant professional bodies.

  7. Remain aware of their own limitations and wherever appropriate, be prepared to refer a client to another practitioner, consultant, coach, or medical adviser who might be expected to offer suitable intervention.

  8. Ensure that wherever a client is seeking assistance for the relief of physical symptoms, life problems, business problems that unless having already done so, the client is advised to consult a registered medical practitioner.

  9. Coaches and consultants should not attempt to diagnose physical symptoms unless they have undergone relevant medical training in diagnostics.


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